Barbell Club
How to perform this lift and the usual reasons for failure in competition can be found here.
In addition, technique advice below may be of use:
How to perform this lift and the usual reasons for failure in competition can be found here.
In addition, technique advice below may be of use:
How to perform this lift and the usual reasons for failure in competition can be found here.
In addition, technique advice below may be of use:
Powerlifting is a strength sport comprising of 3 lifts, the squat, the bench press and the deadlift. When executed correctly, all 3 lifts are considered as full body exercises since they each recruit a large range of muscles.
During a meet you're allowed to make a maximum of 3 attempts at each lift, whereby each attempt must be of equal weight [if you fail the previous attempt] or more weight than your previous attempt. However, it is not a requirement to make all 3 attempts. You are then ranked in your weight/age/gender category by your 'total', which is given by the sum of your best lift in each individual exercise. Alternatively, you can also be ranked from your wilks score, which takes into account your total, weight and gender.
More in-depth rules and details can be found here, including how to perform the lifts correctly for competitions and the equipment permitted.
The Powerlifting Lifts:
Head of powerlifting: Scott Milne
Email: barbell@yusu.org
Group Powerlifting Sessions:
- Every Sunday (term time): 17:00 -> 19:00
[Coached/Training Sessions]
- Every Thursday (term time): 18:30 -> 20:30
[Group Training Sessions]